Who we are

Welcome to OptionsR.us We are an options advisory service providing income producing options trade ideas, mostly using strategies with defined risk. We scour the markets for stocks offering perfect income opportunities.

The majority of our trades will be credit spreads, such as the selling of Vertical Puts and Iron Condors. However, unlike other options trading services who limit themselves to just one or two strategies, we will also trade debit spreads when it makes sense. We will also look for undervalued stocks we could use in the strategy known as the “wheel” where we will sell cash-secured puts and eventually sell covered calls on those stocks if assigned.

Turn our research into action by logging in to your online brokerage account and trading the recommended options contracts. Subscribers to our advisory service can start with as low as $2,000 but it is ideal to start with $10,000 to be more flexible in following our trades.


Options R Us, LLC was created with the mission of debunking the myth and removing the fear in options trading. We would like to empower our circle of friends and family around the world to learn and take advantage of the power of options trading and the power of compounding. With our guidance subscribers will learn how to generate consistent income and change their financial lives for the better.


Hi, I'm Carlo Echano, founder of Options R Us, LLC. I am a retired U.S. Army Master Sergeant. After retiring from the military, I worked in the Middle East as a project manager for seven years where I learned how to trade options. I am a Southwest Airlines flight attendant but currently on an 18-months Extended Time Off (ExTO) which started on 1 Sep 2020.

When I decided to volunteer for the ExTO to hopefully save other flight attendant jobs, I knew I was going to lose 75% of my paycheck but I felt that I am in a much better situation than most of our co-hearts who only have inflight as their source of income. My military pension is only enough to cover my mortgage payments so I would have to make up the difference some other way.

Anyone who I ever flew with would know that options trading is my passion, hence I’d been called the ‘Options Guy’ a few times. It was too easy for my wife and I to decide on finally trading options full-time.

Because I love discussing the stock market, my wife had another great idea, why not share my knowledge. So, since September 2020, I had been guiding subscribers who have never traded in the stock market before to earn consistent options income while just learning the basics of options trading.


Carlo Echano

Founder / Head Trader

CJ Echano

Trainer / Trader